Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Google Sketchup Models:

Above: Piccinini-contradiction (n)

Below: Nolan-texture (n)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sidney Nolan:
texture, expressing, dynamic

Ricky Swallow: 
intricacy, carved, meticulous

Patricia Piccinini
contradiction, intrigued, repelling
This is a photograph of something I find beautiful: the end of some prayer beads, used for meditation. I find both the physical form (beautiful patterns, intricate woven forms, contrasting colours and materials) and the concepts behind these beads (a calming, meditative tool, used to keep one's mind in check) equally interesting. This was originally going to be the focus for my artwork below.

This is an artwork that I made for Visual Arts in High School. It started off as a simple experiment, using different media (charcoal, inks, oil paints, black and white/colour photography) as a way of examining one object multiple times and from multiple perspectives. I decided to have some sections completely abstract such as the inkwashes, whilst others were greatly detailed and realistic, like the oil painted sections.

I always loved the strong lines, and triangular shapes used in this building. The way it seems to grow from a large base and break up into smaller sections is particularly interesting. I saw this in person when I went to Hong Kong, and it is certainly more impressive up close.